Wednesday, September 02, 2009

More Idioms


Jientje at Heaven is in Belgium, hosts A Thousand Words In Idioms.

A little bird told me
If someone doesn't want to say where they got some information from, they can say that a little bird told them.
I used this idiom a lot when my kids were growing up.
Put a sock in it.
If someone tells you to put a sock in it, they are telling you to shut up.


Melli said...

LOL! That's too the point! Great job depicting BOTH idioms! (I might almost call that little bird BIG bird!)

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! very well done !!

Quilly said...

I don't know how I missed these this morning but they are both perfect! "Put a sock in it" made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

I had problems with my reader and your blog yesterday. I kept getting page not found. I'm glad I saw this today. Excellent Dr. John. What a beautiful bird :) Excellent idioms :)

Jientje said...

Ha!!! Thom told me you had played!! You forgot to sign Mr Linky!! I added your link now! Loved both your idioms Dr John the little big bird is my favorite!!!