Saturday, August 22, 2009

Raven's Challenge 78

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: blind panic, apartment, fleas, soap operas, cajun cooking, free and easy, legal, sangria, public school, new
For the mini challenge: class, calendar, keeping secrets, boring, fashion

The Mega Challenge as
The Ongoing Adventures of Agent 012

They moved Thaw to a new hideaway . This time only Agent 012 and the guards with Thaw knew which place had been chosen. Still within twelve hours the place was under attack. This time they had more firepower and blew a hole in the Kitchen wall sending the Cajun cooking flying all across the room and breaking the last bottle of sangria. The guards were taken by surprise as life in the house had been boring and they had taken to watching soap operas. Instead of resorting to blind panic they activated the mine field. They will never know if the attackers would have been any good at keeping secrets since they were blown into small pieces.
At this point Thaw began complaining that the basement apartment where they were keeping him not only had no class but had fleas.
While this was going on, Agent 012 was checking his calendar. He had a meeting scheduled with the public school . They had scheduled his oldest son for a class in fashion clothes making which had to be a mistake. He should be in wood shop this year. He wasn’t buying any of this free and easy, new age stuff where boys did girl things. He was checking with the legal department to be sure he could fight it.
When he heard about the latest attack he was flabbergasted. How was Mute getting the information. He sure didn’t tell them and he was the only one who knew.
This was not going to be his day.

The ten word challenge- Recipe Thief
Charlie Sangria was in a blind panic after finding out that somebody else had submitted the same Cajun cooking recipe right down to his new and secret ingredients. It was even worse because they had submitted it first and thus his was rejected. Now he had to get control of himself and think of who had been to the apartment and might have seen the recipe on the desk. There was his free and east going friend Michael, his legal advisor Horatio, Frampton the public school survey taker , and of course his beloved Stella. He and Stella had watched Soap Operas during the visits so he wasn’t really paying attention to what they were doing. That was also when they discovered the dog had fleas and there was a bit of an uproar over that. Now he needed a plan to catch the recipe thief. It only took him an hour to come up with one.

The mini challenge-Good Eating

According to Charlie’s calendar he had three more days to submit a new recipe in the Cajun cooking contest. He put aside his plans for finding the thief and concentrated on his new recipe. The task while difficult could also be boring so he kept thinking of the hundred thousand dollar prize money. This time he swore he would do a better job at keeping secrets. When he finally finished he put a copy of a recipe on the desk and settled down as was his fashion with a nice glass of sangria. He felt it added just a touch of class to his life. He called all his friends to come and celebrate with him. He even invited Frampton. He bragged that this was so much better than the last recipe he had submitted that the thief would now get nothing. He would submit it by post tomorrow. Everybody seemed really happy for him.
They left he waited. The hospital called. It seems Stella was there horribly ill and asking for him.
“Why did it have to be you Stella?” He thought.” I didn’t want it be you. You had to make it and taste it. Now enjoy the fruits of your thievery. It feels so good when a plan comes together.”
Then he put the genuine new recipe in the mail.

Of course the dragons were busy today you can see them HERE.

Just a quick reminder . If you are planning on doing a Portrait of Words they are due Tuesday August 25. You can see the pictures here.


Quilly said...

Has Mute somehow attached a GPS to Agent 012, or Thaw? What will our intrepid spy do next?

Charlie is one bright chef. Now he needs a new girlfriend. How sad.

Reston Friends! said...

Ooohhh, I love the way Charlie caught his thief. Very devious. I think he might have spent some instructive time hanging out with dragons!

I am flabbergasted at how the bad guys got to Thaw again. Maybe Agent 012 should make Thaw wear one of those aluminum foil helmets.

DawnTreader said...

Not easy for Agent 012 to keep the balance between his job and his private life!

I liked the recipe story.

Raven said...

Poor Agent 012! I wonder who the mole is or how Mute is getting his information. As for Charlie! Bravo to him for tricking the thief. Too bad it was Stella.

Argent said...

I can't wait to find out how Mute's people are getting to Thaw. This is gripping stuff! I love stories like your seocnd (and third). Talk about a taste of one's own medicine (or cooking in this case!). Very clever.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if someone knows sign language and is giving it to Mute...Great stories Dr. John.

Anonymous said...

Blasted, what a waste of Good Cajun cooking and Sangria. I'm sure Charlie will cook us up some more.

CJ said...

Agent 012 really has a mystery now. And Charlie found such a clever way to find his thief. Here's a toast of sangria to all.

Richard said...

Perhaps Mute is reading 012's mind? Just a thought.