Wednesday, August 26, 2009


A Thousand Words In Idioms


Jientje at Heaven is in Belgium, hosts A Thousand Words In Idioms.

My first try

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water
If you get rid of useful things when discarding inessential things, you throw the baby out with the bath water.

Third rail
The third rail of something is dangerous to alter or change. Originally, the third rail is the one carrying the electricity for a train.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

WOOT my friend. Excellent. I knew you would be wonderful at this. I love them both. These are just wonderful :) Sorry I had to delete my comment. Don't forget to sign her Linky when she gets it posted :) Very well done :)

Barbara H. said...

Great job! I hadn't heard of the second one.

Jientje said...

We have the same saying in Dutch about throwing away the baby! Third rail I had never heard of, but that's what's FUN about this game, you learn new things each week! Thank you so much for playing!!!!

Melli said...

Well LOOK at you! Good goin'! I keep meaning to keep doing this - but every week I forget! I think once the alphabet ran out, I don't have something urging me on -- and I don't really THINK of idioms alot. I'll work on this and try once again for next week! LOL!

Carleen said...

I'm so glad to see you playing along, Dr. John!

My dad's oldest brother was a big H0 train enthusiast and turned his entire basement into a "town" for his trains. Your second photo reminds me of Uncle Ronnie's Train Town. I'll have to see if I can dig up some old photos of it to scan and post.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Liked the Idioms Dr John, I heard the first one before but not the second on. When I was a kid we did have an 027 Train with the third rail.

Quilly said...

I love that first photo! And I had no clue what "third rail" meant. Thank you!

Gattina said...

Congratulations ! very nice findings ! Hope you will continue !

Nana said...

Good job! :-)