Thursday, December 03, 2009

Quilly 38

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s three words for the day and write a story

The 3WT #38 words will be: aquabib; ficulnean; brochity

aquabib - 1. A drinker of water.
ficulnean adj -of fig-tree wood; worthless
brochity n -projecting or crooked quality of teeth

Henery the Great

Henery did not want to be an aretaloger but he felt that what he had accomplished was something one could be ebullient about. He had, after all , begun life as a ficulnean piece of human trash. His extreme brochity caused his parents to hide him in the attic. There he became an aquabib because all they ever brought him to drink was water. The story of his escape from being murklins about life to become a leading orthopedic specialist was the kind of mellifluous story that brings tears to people’s eyes. But he did know how to suffarcinate a story and was no niddering when it came to telling it.
He owed it all to his paladin, the great orthodontist who fixed his face an gave him his isangelous of a smile.
Because of that he now made sure that one third of his case load was made up of poor children and he charged them nothing.This had been his practice from the time he was a tyro.
So if he wanted to brag a little he was entitled.


And of course with Quilly's words comes the required quivel.
There is poetry which a few people do well.
Then there is poetic drivel which is more fun and has its own experts.
But below them all is Quivel
Remember to write quivel you must write something that looks like a poem, any style , but is so bad that if it was printed in a book of poetry a true poetic zoilist would tear it out and burn it.
In other words if it contains Quilly's words and looks like a really bad poem it is really good Quivel. Here then is today's quivel.

Sober Word

See the ficulnean shell of a man
Getting his liquor where he can
An aquabib is far better to be
Than a heavy drinker such as he
His terrible brochity you see
Causing one to want to flee
From his curse we would be free
Moderation can be the key.

Of course the dragons were busy today you can see them HERE.


quilly said...

Wow! You used so many of the words I had to really exercise my brain to remember them all. Not only that, you used them in a coherent story! You are the word master, Dr. John!

Susan at Stony River said...

I'll say he's entitled to brag a little, using all those words so well! Great stuff as always.

Gattina said...

Far too difficult for me, lol ! Brochity makes me think of bronchitis.

Melli said...

I love that story! I one time read about a man (a true story) that was very similar to him! I think it's a story that bears being shared! And perhaps even bragged about - just a little.

Nessa said...

I particularly like your quivel today.

Name That Christmas Song

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that I keep all of Quilly's words on a notecard. I had to fetch it out to refresh my brain :) Great story my friend :) Your quivel is excellent..

Maude Lynn said...

I like the Quivel!

SouthLakesMom said...

Wow - so many former 3WT words! Very nicely woven together!